Yippee…! Here comes the first ever post of ‘CVRCE Diary’ !
So..What is ‘CVRCE Diary’ all about? Well to be honest it is actually a rubbish idea that cropped up in three good for nothing Final year guys from the rotten excuse of an Engineering College that we better know as CV Raman College of Engineering. So, who are ‘we’?
We are just a couple of Normal engineering students, with Normal friends, leading a Normal life, with Normal aspirations. But there are a few things Abnormal within us. Our abnormal Amount of frustration with the system, Our Abnormal amount of distaste towards the men in the A/C chambers and finally our Abnormal amount of Love for the college life !
Don’t get us wrong in here. We are not here to change the world or bring a difference. We just want to vent our thoughts, our views on the everyday events that happen around here. This isn’t a journal, nor a magazine. You can say it’s an insight to the brains of a couple of guys stuck in CVRCE !
Some questions that may arise in due time…
Q. Why are we not mentioning our true identities?
A. Simple. Because it is already obvious who we are! And we have this feeling that we will be landing in truckloads of controversies in due course of time! So for the time being know us as ‘Touter Tom’, 'Dahara Dick' and ‘Hatasia Harry’ !
Q. What are we gonna write about?
A. Well..A bit of this and a bit of that. Mostly we will be writing things about our college days with a tinge of humor and sarcasm. And also expect us to take digs on our batch mates!
Q. Are we gonna open a lot of cans?
A. Well, yes…(At least sort of!). But keeping in mind not to land ourselves in any trouble we are going to use some very obvious nicknames of our victims in the posts! Its up to you to figure out who’s who!
Q. Why this blog?
A. Four years is a longs time guys. And it undoubtedly is the best time of our lives. Ain’t it? So we are writing down these stuff so that somewhere down the line in the years to come we can look back on this blog and relive the nostalgia of our CVRCE Days !
Signing off…
Touter Tom, Dahara Dick and Hatasia Harry
(Senior Khabris, CVRCE Diary)